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Internet quiz – how good is your knowledge of the web?

It’s been over a year since our last quiz! Doesn’t time fly?

Why not put your knowledge of all things online to the test with our brand spanking new internet quiz?

We’ve got ten statements for you. All you’ve got to do is decide: True or false?

Easy eh? You never know, you might just learn something. And failing that at the very least it should give you the chance to bunk off work for five minutes. OK, off we go…

true false

1. The number of UK adults who use the internet every day has more than doubled in the last decade. TRUE OR FALSE?

2. Each minute, 100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube. TRUE OR FALSE?

3. 90% of UK adults regularly buy goods or services online. TRUE OR FALSE?

4. Roughly half the world’s internet users live in Asia. TRUE OR FALSE?

5. There are more machines connected to the internet than there are humans on Earth. TRUE OR FALSE?

6. Half the world’s population used the internet last year. TRUE OR FALSE?

7. More than 50% of all emails sent are spam. TRUE OR FALSE?

8. Roughly 95% of UK households have internet access. TRUE OR FALSE?

9. Google processes 10 billion searches each day worldwide. TRUE OR FALSE?

10. The fastest growing demographic on Facebook is 13–18 year olds. TRUE OR FALSE?

Internet quiz – the answers:

1. The number of UK adults who use the internet every day has more than doubled in the last decade. TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE – The Office for National Statistics report that 38 million adults (76% of the UK population) access the internet every day. It was a paltry 17 million as recently as 2006

2. Each minute, 100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube. TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE – And there’s more: Over six billion hours of YouTube video is watched each month, with mobile devices accounting for 40% of all traffic

3. 90% of UK adults regularly buy goods or services online. TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE – According to the Office for National Statistics, 74% of adults bought goods or services online last year, which is up 21% on the 2008 figure.  Clothes were the most popular online purchase, accounting for 49% of transactions

4. Roughly half the world’s internet users live in Asia. TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE – 48.4% to be precise but we won’t quibble about the 1.6% if you won’t. Here’s the breakdown…

internet stats

5. There are more machines connected to the internet than there are humans on planet Earth. TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE – No contest actually. Cisco believe that in 2012 the number of devices connected at any time was about 8.7 billion. This year the figure is expected to hit 15 billion. The Earth’s population is a little over 7 billion

6. Half the world’s population used the internet last year. TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE – Actually there were 2,925,249,355 internet users last year. This works out as roughly 40% of the world’s population and is 7.9% up on the 2013 figure

7. More than 50% of all emails sent are spam. TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE – An astounding 2,317,342 emails are sent every second and 67% of them are spam. Thanks a lot spam

8. Roughly 95% of UK households have internet access. TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE – 22 million households in the UK have internet access. Just the 84% then

9. Google processes 10 billion searches each day worldwide. TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE – Google processes about 40,000 searches a second, which adds up to a measly 3.5 billion a day – 1.2 trillion a year worldwide. Get a wriggle on Google!

10. The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is 13–18 year olds. TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE – The fastest growing demographic is actually adults aged 55–64. This group has grown 79% since 2012

OK so the scores are in – how did you do?

0-3: Oi! Poke your head out of the cave once in a while – there’s a big old world out there and it’s not all stone carvings and sacrificing animals!

4-5: Not much better. Stick to writing letters and sending them by carrier pigeon you luddite.

6-7: Not bad. Probably better than a blindfolded monkey would have done. But that’s not confirmed – we’ll let you know when we’ve found the monkey.

8-10: Genius! Even Sir Tim Berners-Lee would be proud of this score. And the monkey would definitely have its work cut out.

OK that’s more than enough from us. Which was the biggest surprise?

We’d love to hear from you in the comments, or drop us an email at hello@uwpgroup.co.uk.

Failing that we’ll see you all again soon.


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