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Social media marketing strategy: 10 content ideas that work

In our last blog post we whetted your appetite with five of our top content ideas to adopt into your social media marketing strategy. 

Social media marketing strategy

We know you’ve been on tenterhooks waiting for the next five, so we won’t make you wait any longer.

Here are five more content ideas designed to boost engagement and build relationships with your audience.

6. Adapt your content

Just because something works on Facebook doesn’t mean it will on Twitter. It makes sense to use as many social media platforms as you can to link back to a new article or blog on your website, but think carefully about adapting the content for each post.

Facebook images tend to be more professional looking or polished, but Instagram is more relaxed and focused on being attractive and colourful in order to engage with users.

Similarly, a Facebook post can include more words and detail before linking back to your website, whereas anything more than a few words on Instagram will be less beneficial.

7. Think about others

You may be using social media primarily to promote your content, but that doesn’t mean you have to focus on yourself all the time.

One of the most effective ideas to add to your social media marketing strategy is to include external content.

Social media marketing strategy

Break your feed up with posts from other sources that your audience will appreciate, such as new industry developments or interesting facts.

Make sure you choose things that tie in with your message and brand, and stay away from things which could be controversial or incendiary.

8. Timing is everything

It’s not just what you post that’s important for engagement, but when you post it. Timing should be an important consideration in your social media marketing strategy.

There have been tonnes of studies and surveys aimed at finding out when it’s best to post, and although there isn’t one definitive answer, there’s a general consensus that people use Twitter early in the morning, around lunchtime and early in the evening.

Try scheduling your key posts for those times, and monitor engagement. Don’t forget to think about international audiences and time zones if necessary for your business.

You can also use analytics to work out when people are visiting your website, and assume they may be using social media at the same time.

Be consistent and share frequently to build up a following. Don’t let your account become dormant if your social media guru is on holiday for a month, but don’t overdo it either.

9. Images are still important

Videos might be the future but don’t forget the power of images – especially GIFs and memes.

Posts with images perform better than those without, and animated GIFs are always popular.

There are lots of websites out there that let you create your own GIFs, and there are thousands already available online– so finding them should be quick and easy.

10. Monitor and analyse

Take note of your social media posts that get a lot of engagement – once you know what works with your audience you can do something similar again.

Make use of tools such as Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics to track your latest posts and see how successful they are.

As this data includes demographics and the location of those who liked your posts, it can be hugely beneficial – not just for your social media marketing strategy but for your overall marketing plan.

Perfecting your social media marketing strategy

Getting your social media marketing strategy right will involve a certain amount of trial and error, but these content ideas should help you connect with your audience and grow your following.

Need a hand perfecting your social media marketing strategy? Give us a call – we’d love to help!


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